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1001 Tips to learn to “adapt” to a new job

The pressure of starting a new job in an unfamiliar environment and unknown colleagues can knock anyone down. You will overcome this pressure if you apply the 5 tips below

1.Don’t worry about being “flooded” with information

It’s completely normal to be nervous about your first week at work, and some experts will advise trying to get to work early, leave later, or get to know as many co-workers as possible. But really, the most important thing you need to do is mentally prepare yourself and start getting in tune with the intensity of the company’s work. You’ll be exposed to a huge amount of new information in your first few weeks on the job, from who is responsible for health insurance, to how specific tasks are handled. At first, you won’t be able to memorize all of this information, and that’s completely normal. Remember, it’s not a problem when you’re starting a new job that you feel overwhelmed, and it’s not a sign that you’re going to fail.

2.Understand that your adaptation will take some time

At most jobs, it takes 3-6 months for you to get used to the new job. This period is even longer in more complex jobs. Don’t panic when you find yourself still not fully acclimated into your third week, or feel like you’ll never fit into the culture of this new work environment. That feeling will almost certainly go away, but it takes time.

3.Talk to your new boss about your goals for the first and first six months

An indispensable step after preparing the “right” mentality for yourself is to talk to your boss about your aspirations and goals. If you don’t talk to your boss specifically about this, you won’t know what your results will be in the first month and the first 6 months will be judged as successful by your boss. And you shouldn’t guess. You may think that your boss wants you to become an expert in your assigned field within the first 2 months. However, when you talk to your boss, you will find out that your boss just wants you to get used to the job and complete a part of the new job. On the contrary, it is also possible that your boss’s expectations are greater than you think. Therefore, it is important that you know exactly.

4.Take the initiative to ask for help, ask questions

As a new employee, if you are unsure about something, don’t be afraid to ask your supervisor for help. It doesn’t matter at all when you ask questions like: “What documents can I read to better understand…?” or “Have there been examples of how to deal with this before that I can learn from?”

Pay attention to company culture

Observe how others in your new organization act and you will learn a lot about the culture in this environment. Do people eat lunch at their desks or out? What time of day is the most stressful at work? Do people have time to relax, chat together during the day or just focus on working? Do people usually communicate by email or face-to-face? While you don’t have to make yourself a different person, you should still make an effort to fit into the general culture in your new workplace. Otherwise, you will be judged by others as not knowing “depending on joining the world”.

Starting a new job always makes you feel stressed and confused, so don’t set big or lofty goals, but adjust your expectations, find effective ways of working and If you put all your heart into your work, you will surely do well at your new job in a short time.
